Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance is enforced by an intolerant society.

It is a measure of a society’s level of acceptance.

The path towards forgiveness is from intolerance to tolerance to acceptance.

A society that expresses zero tolerance has not yet started the journey to forgiveness.

Zero tolerance means that I am not prepared to tolerate any unacceptable behaviour.

Unacceptable behaviour is anything that I am unable to tolerate.

In our society, young people wearing hoods and meeting together in public has become an unacceptable behaviour.

It is not that young people have become unacceptable, it is the fears that older people have that they are no longer able to tolerate.

The intolerable fears that our society is suppressing are being projected onto the very people who are trying to change a society that has become so intolerant and unaccepting of change.

True Forgiveness will only be attained once the problems of Zero Tolerance are replaced by the opportunities of Unconditional Acceptance.

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