You & Thou

You is the 2nd person, both singular & plural.

I am the 1st person, we are plural.

He, she & it are the 3rd person, who are collectively they.

In a dual reality existence, there are always three choices.

I can talk about myself, I can talk about you, or I can talk to you about others.

I can converse in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person.

Thou is how my Soul addresses my Self.

It refers to a Self that is separated from its Soul.

From my Soul’s perspective there is only us.

Thou is always one of us.

We are all One.

Thou is an individuation of the One.

I will is a statement from my sub-conscious ego.

You will is a statement of arrogance.

Thou shalt is a message from my Soul.



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