Wrath & Anger

Wrath is the power of the will.

My will power is my wrath.

My lack of will power is my meekness.

Wrath is the male energy that opposes my female energy of meekness.

Meekness meekly follows the will power of another.

My will power is authorised by my sub-conscious id.

When my divine power is divided by gender, I will need will power to meet my ego’s desires.

My disconnection will default me to either wrath or meekness and either anger or patience.

Anger is an emotional reaction to not getting what I need.

Anger is without the patience to conform to another person’s wrath.

Anger is the male energy that opposes my female energy of patience.

I get angry when others defy my will, oppose the authority of my ego and deny me whatever I desire.

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