Working with Authority

I am working with authority when I choose to work.

When I work to get my emotional needs met, I am authorised by my ego Self.

My ego Self uses will power to achieve its goals.

When I work with Power & Love, doing what I Truly Value, I am Authorised by my Soul & Inner Coach.

When I work under the authority of another person, I give away my own authority and my own choice.

Being responsible for a job is not the same as being responsible ‘for’ other people.

Being responsible ‘to’ other people, for a job, is not the same as having to follow their choices and do what they say.

When I give away my authority and my choice, I give away my power.

Working ‘with’ someone else to achieve an agreed goal is not the same as working ‘for’ someone else to achieve their goal.

Empowered workers are authorised to work. They do not need supervision or motivation, just clarity and direction.

Disempowered workers have no authority other than the authority (orders and discipline) given to them by others who directly manage and supervise them. They will choose not to work when ever they are authorised to do so. Not only are they disconnected from their True Source of Power but they have no will power either.

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