Work, Rest & Play

Work, Rest & Play are a Divine Triality of Life.

When this triality is out of balance, it is no longer divine.

When I try to balance work and life to achieve a work-life balance, I will fail because work and life are not in conflict or opposition.

When work is tension and rest is relaxation, I have created a duality that will unfold as a drama, that excludes play from my life.

Rest is what I do when I am asleep. When asleep I am at rest from physical life. Rest is essential for a healthy life. Rest allows me to recover physically, mentally and emotionally in order to remain healthy.

Play is what I do when I finish work. Play is how I enjoy my life doing what I truly value. Play allows me to express my power and feel my wealth.

Work is the expression of my vision, mission and purpose for my life. It is following my life path and revealing my destiny. It is following my Light and revealing my Wisdom. It is aligning with my True Self.

With my work, rest and play in balance and harmony, I become an expression of my True Self.

A Healthy Life needs Rest, a Wealthy Life allows Play and a Life of Wisdom requires Work.

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