Work & Employment

Work is the act of doing something useful.

When I do something useful, it works for me.

I work at life so that life works for me.

Work is a partnership between my Self & Life.

Life is a synonym for my Soul or God.

When my Self and my Soul are in partnership, life works effortlessly, expansively and creatively.

Employment is the act of being used by an employer.

It is the act of being useful to another by doing things for them.

When I do useful things for other people, I am being used by them and employed by them.

Employers use employees to make their life work in a useful way.

I can be employed for life as an employee of either my Self or another Self.

Alternatively I can work in partnership with my Soul.

The best choice for my Self is the choice that works for me, rather than the choice that works for someone else.

Being self-employed and doing the work of the ego self can be very hard work and require a lot of will power.

Being Soul-employed works for me as it is both inspiring and empowering.

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