Without a Spiritual Path

Without a Spiritual Path:

  • Life is not effortless
  • There are no messages to guide me
  • The same life lessons keep recurring
  • Problems become bigger and more complicated
  • Chaos is the inevitable result of my losing control
  • I am destined to face a disaster
  • There is no apparent purpose to my life

Without a Spiritual Destiny:

  • I am on a slow declining path towards eventual death
  • Other people’s choices become my fate
  • I will want everything that I believe that I do not have
  • I will depend on other people emotionally
  • Life will be one drama after another
  • I will feel challenged outside of my comfort zone
  • My most common choice will be not to choose

When there is no 3rd Way:

  • I can either be selfish or unselfish
  • I can either be humble or arrogant
  • I can either live in luxury or poverty
  • I can either work hard or be lazy
  • I can either be patient or get angry
  • I can either be proud or be modest
  • I can either be generous to others or miserly

Without a clear Vision for my Life:

  • My power will depend on my having money
  • My authority will depend on my status in life
  • My ability will depend on my knowledge of life
  • Having money will depend on my knowledge and status
  • Having status will depend on my knowledge and money
  • Having knowledge will depend on my education and who I know
  • Happiness will be a distant dream

Without a Spiritual Path I am doomed, and I will require a strategy for physical survival, in a material existence of life or death that will rely for the most part on my luck and good fortune.

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