Wilful Intent

Will Power is seen as a positive force.

Wilful Intent is seen as a negative force.

It is will power used in a way that is perceived to be negative by others.

I only ever wilfully do what is judged to be wrong by others.

I never will myself to do what I believe is bad for me.

I only ever intend to do what I believe is right for me at that time.

I only force myself to do what I believe that I have to do, I ought to do, I should do, I must do or I need to do.

I force myself to solve a problem with will power.

A toleration is a problem that I need to solve or endure.

My greatest toleration is the belief that I should, ought to, have to, must or need to solve a problem.

When I wilfully intend to try & solve a problem, it usually gets worse.

I will never become problem free by will power or wilful intent.

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