Why We Are All Equal!

We are all equal to the mission that we have chosen in life.

We all have the same potential to fulfil our own unique, individual & exclusive destiny on Earth.

We are all equally divine Beings having our own choice of physical experience.

Equality is the quality of the essence of my energetic Beingness.

We are all in essence Beings of equal energy from the same Source.

The Oneness of Source Energy is always balanced & pure in quality.

We are all different entities of the the same essence.

In absolute reality, there is no imbalance, there is no inequality, there is no duality.

The way out of every dual reality experience is to find the mean balance where the energy is even & equal.

The inequality that I experience in physical reality is a reflection of the inequality of my own thinking.

When I believe that I am inferior or superior to another then that becomes my experience.

When I believe that I am created equally in the image of my own creative imagination then that becomes the perception of my own perspective.

My experience of life is always equal to my ability to create a vision of my ideal life with power & authority; as is everyone else’s experience of life.

In my ideal world, there is no inequality, there is no hierarchy, there is no status, there is just the quality of a person’s individual energetic state of being.

We are all equally the same and we are all uniquely different individual Human Beings.

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