Why We All Have Choice!

We All Have Choice because we have all chosen to live in a world of choice!

We all live in a world that allows individual choice.

We are all free to choose the reality of our choice.

I am also free to choose to deny my choice or make another choice.

Earth is a planet of choice and a relative world of dual reality.

It is the opposing dualities of energy polarity & gender that allows reality to be relative to personal choice.

My personal choice is the effect of my unique set of beliefs that cause the reality that I am experiencing.

My individual thoughts allow my individual beliefs that are the individual focus of my reality.

My reality is the experience of the effect of my thoughts that I choose to think are true.

Collective thinking by a group or society of individuals causes the experience of a common reality.

Thinking collectively or individually is a personal choice that allows me to either follow an inclusive majority or be in an exclusive or even single minority.

I can own my own beliefs or I can adopt other people’s thinking, beliefs, principles, ethics, morals or standards as my choice.

The extent to which an Individual believes that they have choice determines the extent to which an Individual is able to make a personal choice.

Ultimately the choice is whether we choose to make a choice or not.

Whether I choose or not, I get the essence of the focus of the attention of my thoughts.

I am creating my own reality whether I choose it or not, whether I accept it as my choice or choose to deny it.

Thoughts are creative & attractive, about that there is no choice.

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