Why The Ego Loses Clarity!

The ego loses clarity when it loses its power.

The ego loses its emotional power when its loses its mental authority.

The ego loses its authority when it makes choices that are not in alignment with what its Soul is choosing for its Self.

The Soul’s choice is the vision & purpose that it has chosen for its Self on this mission in life.

The ego loses its emotional power when it is not expressing the essence of who it really is.

The essence of who I am is primarily naturally divine.

Who I am is an emotional state of Being.

When my emotional state of being is an attribute that is natural, prime or divine, I am expressing who I really am.

When I am being in a vibrational state that is divided by gender, I am adopting a sin or a virtue that is not who I really am.

The male energy of sin & the female energy of virtue are not natural, prime or divine; even though on Earth they are considered to be common or normal.

When my emotional energy is divided by gender, I lose clarity & power.

In my confusion, I perceive the divided gender of my energy to be either good or bad for my Self and in so doing, I polarise my energy vibration.

When my energy vibration is divided by both gender & polarity, I get really confused.

My confusion renders my Self powerless as my state of being is not aligned with the pure essence of who I really am.

Who I am is a very powerful Being, once I am clear about that in my own Mind. 

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