Why Opposites Attract!

Opposites attract because ‘like energy unto itself is drawn’.

It is the paradox of how like energy can be in opposition to itself.

Energy flows and is never in opposition, it is perspective that is often in conflict.

I can perceive energy to have either a male frequency or a female wavelength as its vibration.

The wavelength & frequency of an energy vibration, in a dual reality world, are seen to be relative & opposing.

As the frequency gets faster, the wavelength gets relatively shorter and as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases.

Energy vibrations are never in conflict, they just appear to be that way from our own dramatic experience.

When the wavelength of energy is divided by gender & the frequency is divided by polarity, the experience of the energy becomes exponentially more dramatic.

The polarity & gender of the wavelength & frequency of thought allows a choice of individual action & a unique experience.

It allows a choice of experience to be seen as positive or negative & sinful or virtuous.

Energy, of itself, is neither good nor bad, right nor wrong; it is my choice of perspective that allows an energy vibration to have a choice of positive or negative polarity and a choice of male or female gender.

As opposing genders of energy vibrate on the same wavelength they are drawn unto each other according to the Law of Attraction.

Like energy is drawn unto itself because it naturally is One & Whole, Holy & Divine.

Its unholy divided state of impurity is purely an effect of the individual perspective & perception that is causing it.

The paradox is that in absolute reality, nothing is in vibrational opposition to anything and in a world of relative duality, nothing is in vibrational opposition to everything & everything can be seen to have a vibrational opposite.

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