Why Life Just Is!

Life Just Is whatever I create it to be.

Life is my experience of being human.

Being human is a life experience that is just.

It is just me, being human, having a life experience.

Injustice is something that I wrongly judge to be not of my own creation.

I cannot do an injustice to my Self, although I can do an injustice to another and I can believe that others are being unjust to me.

When I know that everything that I experience in life is of my own inner creation, I know that there is never any injustice.

Without judgment, there is no guilt, no conviction, no blame, no condemnation, no complaint & no criticism.

Life just is however I create it to be because that is how I create it to be.

The ability to recreate my life anew in the image of my ideal reality is the only ‘just is’ that I require.

Life just is divinely enabled when I am aligned with my Soul’s authority & empowered with inspiration.

Life just is a blank canvas on which I reproduce my vision of my ideal reality.

Life just is an open book in which I am the author of my own life story.

Life just is a personal journey on an individual, unique & exclusive path along which I travel one step at a time.

Life just is a mission to planet Earth for the purpose of experiencing a heavenly vision of physical reality.

Life just is a spiritual journey of a physical, mental & emotional experience as a Human Being exploring & discovering my own humanity.

Life just is because that is how I have chosen it to be!

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