Why Life Is Frustrating!

Life is frustrating when I am going against the flow.

My life is designed to effortlessly flow.

My Soul chooses a beneficial experience for its Self, without frustration.

To continually choose a beneficial experience for my Self, I am required to go with the flow.

Going with the flow requires my being approving, my being accepting and my being allowing of whatever flows into my life.

My disallowing of life is intolerance, my disapproval of life makes me angry & my non-acceptance of life is frustrating.

Life is frustrating me when I am off track.

When I am off track, I am lost, I am confused & I am frustrated.

Being on track & aligned with my Soul’s path requires presence, direction & clarity.

Presence allows my connection to my Soul.

My Soul knows the direction of my path and in the presence of my Soul, I intuitively know my direction with clarity.

Without presence, I am disconnected from my Source of Inner Guidance and become lost, confused & frustrated.

Life is designed to frustrate me on my wrong path that goes against the flow.

My ego always has a choice but many of those choices can be very frustrating.

When I know that I am choosing my own life, I know that I am causing my own frustration.

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