Why I Have Boundaries!

A Boundary is a standard of performance that I find acceptable from other people.

I have boundaries to stop other people draining my emotional energy.

A boundary defines the extent of my comfort zone.

Outside of my boundaries, I am vulnerable to the discomfort of other people’s actions.

Being vulnerable & uncomfortable drains my emotional power.

Strong boundaries maintain my comfort zone and ensure my safety & security.

The paradox of boundaries is that whilst they meet my emotional needs, they hinder my personal development.

Personal development requires personal emotional power, so I need boundaries initially to maintain my authority.

However, boundaries define my comfort zone and personal development only occurs when I step outside of my comfort zone.

Personal development is the extension of the range of ability of my power & authority.

Expansive growth occurs when I extend my boundaries to become more encompassing of my world.

Expansive boundaries allow expansive growth within my boundaries.

Boundaries are golden as long as they do not become a gilded cage.

Being boundless & free requires no boundaries to my mental authority, which allows my emotional power to flow effortlessly free.

My boundaries are the limit of my personal development which clarify my opportunity for spiritual growth.

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