Why I Get Angry!

I get angry when my emotional power is being depleted to an unacceptable level.

Anger is a paradox that when I am running out of positive energy, I receive an overwhelming surge of negative energy.

You see, there is never a shortage of emotional energy, there is only the inability to effectively connect to the source of one’s power.

My connection to my Source effects my positive emotional power, whilst my disconnection from Source affects my emotional power in a negative way.

Depression is my feeling of being emotionally powerless, which is caused by my inability to get angry.

Anger is my feeling of being negatively powerful.

I am never consciously angry on purpose.

It is not my purpose to be angry but it does have a reason.

It is my limiting beliefs that cause my energy drain and my sub-conscious mind that reacts with anger.

Anger is my sub-conscious reaction to whatever is happening in my life that is draining my emotional energy.

Blaming other people for my energy drain is not productive as it does not reconnect me to my source of power.

Anger is a form of extreme impatience.

Patience is my ability to manage my emotional energy and when I run out of patience, I get angry.

A lot of emotional energy is required to enjoy a fulfilling life but there is never enough power for whatever I am not authorised to do.

I get angry when what I want & desire or passionately need is not empowered with my highest authority.

My highest authority only allows my expression of who I really am.

It is who I am emotionally being that either makes me powerful or makes me angry.

I get angry when my ego is out of alignment with my Soul as I am not being a true expression of the essence of my Beingness.

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