Why I Follow My Own Path!

I Follow My Own Path because that is my Destiny.

It is my fate to be off track, lost, confused & frustrated with life.

It is my destiny to follow the direction of my path with clarity & presence.

Fate & destiny are opposing perspectives of the same unique, individual & exclusive journey through life.

In absolute reality, from the perspective of my Soul, I am never off track.

I exist in physical reality for the purpose of my Soul’s expansive growth.

The perspective of being off track or on track is all part of the experience of choice that expands the outlook of the Soul.

My Soul is always looking out for its Self.

It sends its Self only gifts & opportunities to creatively expand & grow as a spiritual entity.

Being a disconnected ego Self is perfectly in alignment with a dual reality experience of life.

A life in relative duality allows a choice of perspective that either puts the experience of the ego in alignment with the Soul or out of alignment with its destiny.

In dual reality, the Self is allowed choice as the Soul is allowed choice and that choice may concur or conflict.

The duality of choice allows either concordant or opposing perspectives of reality, which are both perfect for the Soul whilst causing imperfection for the ego Self.

It is through the experience of who I am not that I learn who I really choose to be in absolute reality.

This is why I follow my path, to experience explore & discover who I really am and who I am choosing to be in physical reality.

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