Why I Choose To Be Sensitive With Detachment!

Being Sensitive is being emotionally aware of other people.

By the Law of Attraction, other people are a mirror image of the energy that I am emoting.

I attract other people into my experience because they are energetically of a like polarity or an opposing gender.

Other people that I attract are a reflection of my own emotional energy based on my own mental beliefs.

Being sensitive to other people’s emotional state of being allows me to acknowledge the spiritual lessons that I am being presented with in my life.

Being insensitive to other people is the apathy of my unawareness in my unemotional disconnection from my source.

Detachment is the attainment of being uninvolved & not drawn into other people’s life dramas.

It is my fears & my limiting beliefs that cause my emotional needs that attach me to people and to material things.

I have emotional needs because of the beliefs that disconnect me from my alignment with source energy.

I form an attachment to whatever I need to supply my substitute emotional energy.

It is my attachment to what I need emotionally that re-inforces my belief in how much I need it.

My emotional needs, fears & limiting beliefs attach myself to the dramas in which I play out my role as a human being.

Being detached from the need for emotional energy allows my detachment with other people’s dramatic lifestyles.

Being sensitive allows me to observe the dramas whilst remaining detached, yet being in empathy & compassion with life.

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