Why I Choose Intuition!

I Choose Intuition as my inner guidance system.

When I have no life vision, no life purpose & no mission in life, I do not need guidance.

I live according to the beliefs of my family, my society, my religion & my culture.

In my unawakened, disconnected life; intuition is believed to be a sub-conscious choice based on learned knowledge & experience.

There is no distinction between my instinct & my intuition, which are believed to be the same thing.

Intuition is mainly experienced in hindsight, as there is no insight and there is no faith in foresight.

Once awakened & connected, I choose intuition because it is my common sense of spiritual awareness.

My spiritual awareness, of my life mission to fulfil my vision on purpose, requires clarity & direction to be present.

I choose intuition because it presents my Self with the clarity of direction to live my life, my way, in alignment with my chosen path.

My intuitive sense of knowing can be confused with my sub-conscious store of rational knowledge.

However, my intuitive sense of feeling is always empowering my inspired actions.

When I balance my intuitive feelings with my intuitive knowing, I intuitively see the tuition of my inner coach & guide.

I choose intuition because it is my Soul illuminating my path & enlightening my Self on my spiritual journey.

My Soul is my Inner Tutor and my Self is the Pupil.

As the pupil of the all seeing eye, I choose to see intuitively with the Vision of my Soul who I really am.

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