Why Accidents Happen!

Accidents happen when I believe that life happens to me.

When life happens to me, I am a victim of life.

I am a victim of life because what is happening to me is either an accident or it is happening on purpose.

When something happens on purpose, it is not an accident.

When I cannot see the purpose to whatever is happening, I blame it on an accident.

There are no beneficial accidents only beneficial opportunities.

Accidents also happen when I believe that life happens by me.

When I do something that I didn’t mean to do on purpose, I call it an accident.

When things appear to go wrong without any apparent reason, I call it an accident.

When I know that life happens through me, I know that there is a purpose to life and a purpose for what is occurring.

When I know the purpose of my life and I know my purpose in life, I know that nothing happens accidentally.

Accidents happen when I am unaware of the purpose of life.

When I am aware of the purpose of life, I know that everything that happens is a positive opportunity for my own personal growth.

Personal development & spiritual growth never happen by accident.

Whether life is an accident or it happens on purpose; whether life happens to me, by me or through; life & accidents are a matter of personal perspective.

Accidents happen because I believe that life is an accident that happens accidentally.

Life happens with purpose when I know that there are no accidents in life.

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