Who Jealousy is Being!

Jealousy is a negative state of Being.

It is a negative state of being that is caused by the belief that someone is getting what I need and it will deprive me of what I need emotionally.

When I believe that someone else getting what they need is depriving me of getting what I need emotionally, I am being jealous of that person.

An intense attachment to a co-dependent relationship is the main cause of being jealous.

When someone else attaches themselves emotionally to my co-dependent partner, I become jealous if I believe that it will deprive me of what I need emotionally from my partner.

Being jealous is a negative emotional attribute.

Jealousy is a negative emotion that is caused by a negative or limiting belief.

The belief that I am limited by another person’s actions is a limiting belief.

The belief that I need another person’s emotional energy is a limiting belief.

The belief that another person can deprive me of what I need emotionally is a fear.

Jealous is who I am being when I am sub-consciously driven by that fear.

I am negatively driven by the fear that I will no longer get what I need from someone because they are giving it to someone else instead.

Being jealous is the negative attainment of when being disconnected from my source of emotional power, I become in fear of being disconnected from the person who supplies my emotional power.

My Soul is never jealous of its Self.

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