Who is Choosing?

Who has choice?

We all have choice. I have choice. You have choice.

My Self has choice and my Soul has choice.

My ego self chooses with my thoughts but who chooses my thoughts?

My thoughts create my reality, so who is choosing my reality?

My Soul is choosing to give my Self unconditional choice. That means that my Soul puts no conditions on what I think and choose as a result of my thoughts.

My thoughts originate from either my sub-conscious mind (my id) or my super-conscious Soul (my entity).

It is the choice of my Self (my ego) which thoughts that I consciously use to make my choice and create my reality.

Unless I am aware of the thoughts that emanate from my Soul – my inspired revelations – I will continually choose the sub-conscious memories (programmes and limiting beliefs) that will re-attach me to my past experiences. The question is: “Who was choosing my past experiences”?

The past experiences that I store in my mind will always be in conflict with the desires of my Heart that will allow the expansive nature of my Soul to flourish.

When I give my Soul unconditional choice and it is my Soul that is choosing my reality, I have the faith to flow effortlessly along my path of Life and attain my Destiny.

When I am choosing from my sub-conscious memories, I remain stuck in the past and attached to my fears that become my recurring fate.

When I am choosing the reality of my Soul, I am creating my Ideal World and living in Heaven on Earth.

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