Who I Am!

I am a Spiritual Being having a physical experience called Life.

I am a three part Being living in a three dimensional reality.

My Spiritual Entity has an egotistical sense of physical Self that is driven by my sub-conscious Id.

When my Id & my Entity are aligned, I consciously experience my true IdEntity.

I call my spiritual entity, my Soul.

In essence, I am my Soul.

I call my individual sense of Self, my ego.

My ego is a creation of my Soul that does not know its creator.

It is the Self that does not know itself.

My Id is my auto-pilot on my journey through the physical realm.

My sub-conscious Id  maintains & drives my physical vehicle, leaving my conscious ego free to explore the past & future in every present moment of time.

There is always guidance & support for my Self on my journey through space-time-reality.

My Soul Entity is my super-conscious inner guidance system that holds the blue-print for my vision of my destiny.

My Id sub-consciously runs my day to day operations.

My conscious sense of ego Self is presently challenged to bring my sub-conscious perspective into alignment with my super-conscious vision for my higher purpose.

To experience Me, My Self & I in perfect harmony of Holy Communion is why I am Here right Now.

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