Who A Disciple Is!

A Disciple is a follower.

A True Disciple follows their own path, not the path of someone else.

The Disciples of Jesus the Christ did not follow the path of Jesus as they were not crucified, resurrected or ascended.

Jesus said: “You too can be like me”.

He did not preach that you can do as I do.

A True Master is an example to those who follow of being the essence of who they really are.

Jesus is the role model for ‘Being’ Christian or ‘Being’ Christlike, not doing christianity.

Jesus was never a christian and he did not found the christian religion.

He lived an individual, unique & exclusive destiny that renounced his jewish birthrite.

Jesus was a true disciple of his own path as he lived life his way.

He taught others to be like him by following their own path and living their unique destiny.

My Self is a disciple of my Soul.

My Soul leads the way and I, as a disciple my Self, follow.

In this way, I am both a leader of my own life and a follower of my own destiny.

Being both the leader & the follower allows me to overcome the duality of my fate & my destiny.

Everyone has their own individual mission, exclusive purpose & unique vision for their life, whether they know it or not.

We all have the divine authority to follow our own path our own way.

We all have the choice to be disciplined by other people’s authority or to become a disciple of our own true authority, our Soul.


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