Which Mind?

Dual reality life allows two of everything.

Asking: “Which Mind”? means I have at least two minds to choose from.

I have a rational mind and an emotional mind.

I have a conscious mind and a sub-conscious mind.

I have a brain and a solar plexus.

So, do I have two minds or six minds?

I can learn to focus my mind anywhere within or without my physical body.

My physical body needs a mind, though my mind does not need a physical body.

My mind does not reside in a physical place.

When my conscious mind is rational, it appears to be in my brain.

When my conscious mind is emotional, it appears to be in my solar plexus.

When my conscious and sub-conscious minds unite, they become Super-conscious, emotionally rational and appear to be in my heart.

My Heart, the centre of my Beingness, is where the Super-conscious Mind that is my Soul can be found.

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