When The Ego Gets Frustrated!

The ego gets frustrated when it cannot do what it wants to do.

My ego has been programmed from an early age to believe that there are things that have to be done.

My Soul knows that all the ego has to do is follow its path and it will never get frustrated.

The Soul never frustrates its Self.

It is only ever the ego that believes that life can be frustrating.

When the ego believes that life can be frustrating then the ego gets frustrated with life.

The ego gets frustrated when the ego decides to live life its own way.

The Way of the Soul is effortless, whereas the way of the ego can be very frustrating.

When the way of the ego is aligned with the Soul’s choice, life is effortlessly beneficial.

The Soul does not incarnate into physical form in order to do something.

The objectives that I achieve & the skills that I accomplish are irrelevant to the Soul’s spiritual growth.

The Soul does not grow through achievement or accomplishment but through the attainment of quality attributes.

When the ego gets frustrated by its lack of power, it is because it is trying to achieve or accomplish what it believes it wants to do.

Attaining an empowering attribute is never frustrating as there is always enough power to choose a better state of being.

The Soul has omniscient authority to explore & experience its omnipotent power.

The ego has limited power to explore & experience its limited authority, which is very frustrating.

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