When I Need To Be Needed Is!

When I Need to be Needed is Never!

I never need to be needed because I am always needed.

My need to be needed is always met by my Soul.

My Soul always needs my Self because it cannot develop & grow alone.

It is the journey of the Self through physical experience that allows the growth of the Soul.

The Soul always looks after & cares for its Self unconditionally & in all ways.

When the Self remains disconnected from the Soul, it may develop a need to be needed by other people.

The Caring professions are full of people who need to be needed and so need to care for other people.

Caring for other people meets the emotional need to be needed.

How well caring for others meets my need to be needed is relative to how inspired & empowered I am to look after another.

When looking after another is in alignment with my path and has true value for both parties, it is called Compassion.

However, when caring is a chore, a duty or a drudge, it can become a major energy drain for both the carer and the one being cared for.

Caring out of sympathy will eventually lead to apathy.

Needing to care or needing to be needed by others will always take one out of integrity and into drama.

When there is true motive, true sharing & true purpose in a relationship, there is true love, integrity & compassion.

When I need to be needed is when I am disconnected from my intended path and my true source of compassion.

My Soul is full of compassion for its Self when I am faithfully following my destined path.

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