When I Need Approval Is!

When I Need Approval is when I am disapproving of my Self.

My Soul never disapproves of its Self but only empowers the actions of which it approves.

My Soul is approving of its Self following my chosen path.

When aligned with my Soul’s vision & true values, I am empowered and approving of my journey.

My self-disapproval disconnects my emotional power, which causes my need for approval.

When as a baby, we are dependent on a particular loving parent to supply our emotional energy needs, we may develop a need for their approval based on an experience that their disapproval disconnects their apparent love.

This child parent attachment becomes either beneficial or detrimental relative to the approval of the parent.

Constantly needing the approval of someone else will take me out of alignment with my own chosen path causing a disconnection of Source power and a complete dependency on the need for approval.

When I need approval, I really do need approval.

When I am aware of my need for approval, I can conscious choose to supply it my Self.

When I need approval is when I am not aligned with my own emotional state of being approving.

When I am being approving of the path I am following because it aligns with my vision & purpose for life, I fully approve of who I am being and my need for approval is being met by my Self.

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