When I Choose!

Every thought is a choice.

Inspired thoughts are creatively empowered.

The more creatively empowered are my thoughts, the quicker they manifest into my reality.

My sub-conscious mind is a processor of thinking, which is not very creative.

When my thinking focuses on what I have now, my reality becomes static & unchanging.

When I choose what I have right now by focusing my thoughts on what I have right now, I get more of what I have right now.

This may be seen as good or bad depending on my perspective of what I have.

The focus of my thoughts is my choice and it fixes it in my reality.

My lower perspective of life sees the fears, the problems & the pain of living in a purely physical reality.

This perspective fixes my fears, problems & pain as my reality.

The attitude of my perspective determines my experience of reality.

When I change my belief, I change my attitude, I change my perspective and I change the choice of reality that I am experiencing.

My higher perspective of reality sees my ideal life where everything is blessed, benign & beneficial.

In my ideal life, everything is an opportunity to explore, discover & experience who I am & why I am here, which is perfect for this life-time for me.

When I choose my ideal life, it manifests before me.

When I choose what everyone else chooses, I get a world of chaos, confusion & frustration.

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