What Yin & Yang Is!

Yin & Yang in Chinese Philosophy explains the duality of spirit or energy.

Duality is the dual reality of an energy vibration.

In a dual reality world, the frequency of an energy vibration is relative to its wavelength.

As frequency accelerates in time, wavelength shortens in space.

The dual reality of time & space is relative to the duality of the frequency & wavelength of every energy vibration that is experienced.

Yin & Yang originally denoted the light & shade of the opposing slopes of a valley.

The south facing slopes reflected the light of the sun whereas, the north facing slopes remained in shade.

Yin & Yang is therefore, a metaphor for polarity or direction of perspective.

When I look south, I see darkness and when I look north, I see the light or vice versa depending on my perspective as the light of the sun is unchanging.

Polarity is a choice of perspective or a perspective that allows choice.

Yin & Yang is really a choice of male or female energetic gender.

All frequencies of an energy vibration have a male force, whilst all wavelengths have a female magnitude.

All conscious thoughts have a male force of mental authority & a female magnitude of emotional power.

Yin & yang becomes unbalanced when I use the power of my will as a force.

When I force my will, my reality becomes unbalanced and I become lost, confused & intensely frustrated.

Yin & Yang is the emotional awareness of how to consciously rebalance my personal energy vibration.

It brings my male mental consciousness into balance with my female emotional awareness, which allows my intuitive emotional intelligence to flow freely in my life.

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