What The Seven Mortal Sins Are!

The Seven Mortal Sins, a.k.a. the seven deadly sins, are the primary male emotions.

The Seven Heavenly Virtues are the primary female emotions.

Sins & virtues are a duality of the relative mortal experience of life.

Mortality is the duality of life & death.

I can look at my life as a living death & I can see death as the start of a new life.

My mortal reality on Earth can be a positive experience of a heavenly life or a negative experience of dieing in hell.

Life & death, or mortality, is relative to my perspective that determines my emotional state of being.

The male gender of my emotion is called a sin and the female gender of my emotion is called a virtue.

In christian theology, sins are seen as negative & virtues are seen as positive.

Generally, the church leaders use their male energy to convince their congregation of followers to lead virtuous lives by adopting their female emotional energy.

The seven mortal sins are: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath & Sloth.

The seven heavenly virtues are: Modesty, Kindness, Poverty, Caring, Pleasing, Patience & Diligence.

Mortality, the reality of mortal life, became confused in the early church with morality.

Morality, the standards a church enforces as its boundaries, judged sins to be immoral and judged virtues to be divine.

Female virtuous attributes of the followers are deemed to be very attractive to the male sinful attributes of the religious leaders.

Only in a relative world of dual reality is Divine Love divided by male & female gender to allow a choice of personal experience.

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