What The Holy Trinity Is!

The Holy Trinity is the Early Christian metaphor for the triality of Creative Energy.

As God is a metaphor for Creative Energy, so the Holy Trinity is a metaphor for the three aspects of God.

The Holy Trinity is taught as God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit.

God the Father is a metaphor for the Divine Authority of Light.

God the Son is a metaphor for the Divine Ability of Life.

God the Holy Spirit is a metaphor for the Divine Power of Love.

The vibrational energy of Life is a wavelength of Love that is transmitted with every frequency of Light.

When I am enlightened, I am empowered with the love for life.

The Creative Ability of my Life is relative to my power & authority.

My creative potential in life is relative to the power of my emotional state of being that is authorised by the purity of my mental thoughts.

The force of the authority of my light is relative to the purity or divinity of my thoughts.

The magnitude of the power of my creative ability is relative to the force of authority of my thoughts.

The vibration of a pure thought is a frequency of divine light transmitted on a wavelength of pure emotional love.

God the Father is the pure creative thought that is authorised by my Soul.

God the Holy Spirit is the whole emotional energy of love on which a pure thought is transmitted.

God the Son is the physical Self that is the creation & the experiencer of whatever my creative Soul manifests as my reality.

The triality of a potentially divine life is relative to the divine magnitude of emotion that is transmitted with the force of authority of every divine thought.

The Holy Trinity affirms how the Soul as the Father of Heavenly Thought conveys the whole Spirit of Love to its Self as its Son in physical incarnation on Earth.

The Holy Trinity is the magnitude, force & potential of the power, authority & ability of my emotional love & mental light in  physical life to create my ideal reality as Heaven here on Earth.

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