What The Book Of The Dead Is!

The Book of the Dead is the Journal of an Unawakened Ego!

The Book of Life is a record of the Journey of an Enlightened Self.

A Book of the Dead is a record of the journey of an unenlightened, unempowered & uninspired individual human Being’s life.

In my disconnection from my Soul’s guidance & support, mortal life can be a living hell and a deathly experience.

Awakened to my spiritual path, I live the way of my destined path.

Unawakened to my spiritual path, life can be a living death.

I always have a choice of living well or dying slowly.

From a negative perspective, I am dying slowly on a life long journey descending into my eventual death.

From a positive perspective of life, I am having an uplifting experience on my path of Ascension.

From the Soul’s perspective, life is designed to be an effortless journey of spiritual development & growth.

From an egotistical perspective, life can be a hell on earth that is plummeting towards an unknown demise.

I can see my life as doomed to an uncertain fate or I can see my life as a dream holiday that I am destined to enjoy.

The Book of the Dead is a record of a life lived as a disconnected, insensitive, unemotional, irrational & inclusively attached human Being.

The Book of Life is written by an exclusively connected, sensitively detached & emotionally intelligent person, who is

awake, alert, aware & alive to their personal experience of a mission to fulfil their vision in life with purpose.

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