What The Book Of Life Is!

The Book of Life is the Soul’s Record of a single journey through space-time-reality of its Self.

The Soul experiences spiritual growth through many Selves and through many lifetimes.

In a time of expansive spiritual growth, there are many Selves living many lives at the same time in the space of physical reality. 

As a representative or projection of the Soul my Self, I have a personal Book of Life that journals my exclusive lifetime.

My Book of Life is a record of my experience as my Self on my present journey from birth to death.

The Book of Life is my exercise book that records my personal attendance at Earth School.

The Akashic Record holds the text book that my Master Teacher has written for my learning experience.

I can choose to see my life according to the Book of Words that is my Soul’s original authorised version, or I can choose to make life up as I go along and re-write the manual as my own version of reality.

From another perspective: The Akashic Record is the Soul’s version of my life as Heaven on Earth and my Book of Life is my alternative version  of enduring a life of hell on earth, as seen through the eyes of my ego Self.

An enlightened Self that has connected access to the Akasha is able to live their life by the Soul’s Book of Revelations.

My unfortunate soulless ego will write my own book of life of my misguided endeavours & failed challenges that caused a problematic chaos that became an unmitigated disaster.

The Book of Life is a blank tome that is mine to write in any way that I choose.

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