What The Akashic Record Is!

The Akashic Record is the Soul’s Book of Lives!

It records every lifetime of every living Creature of Earth that has ever lived & will ever live.

It is a record of absolutely every individual journey ever, recorded as absolute reality.

The Akashic Record is the Book of the Soul.

It records every lifetime that the Soul has ever imagined for its Self.

Akasha translates as Aether, Sky or Heaven.

All are pseudoms for the Kingdom of God or the Realm of the Creator.

The Realm of the Creator is the Soul’s Imagination, Super-Consciousness & the Mind of God.

It is the Creative Imagination of All That Is.

All that is, was & ever will be, is recorded in the Akasha for all Eternity.

The Soul lives through its imaginary Self, or through who it imagines its Self to be.

The Akasha is the thought energy of a Super-conscious Mind that is a creative genius.

It is the eternal thoughts of the Soul, of a Heaven on Earth, recorded in the Ether for Prosperity.

The Soul imagines its Self into physical existence for the purpose of experiencing who it is and experimenting with who it can become.

The act of becoming is defined as personal development of the Self to facilitate the spiritual growth of the Soul.

The Akasha is a Record of every lifetime for itself that the Soul has ever undertaken in its imagination.

It is a record of the Soul’s Quest to explore, discover & experience Who I Am, and who the I Am Is!

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