What Spiritual Intelligence Is!

Spiritual Intelligence is the ability to combine physical consciousness with emotional awareness.

It is the authority & the power of rational & emotional intelligence used in synchronicity.

When I synchronise my rational & my emotional intelligence, I allow the synchronicity of life to manifest.

When I allow my emotional sensitivity to flow with my rational logic, I allow miracles to manifest through synchronicity & co-incidence.

Spiritual Intelligence is the ability to gain knowledge through intuitive knowing.

Intuitive knowing is my Soul’s inner tuition.

My Soul is my spiritually intelligent Teacher.

Intuitive feeling is my Soul’s inner guidance.

My Soul is my spiritually intelligent Guide.

Intuitive seeing is my Soul’s inner vision.

My Soul is the Keeper of my vision for this life-time.

Spiritual Intelligence is being physically, mentally & emotionally connected to my source of spiritual energy.

My Source Energy or Spirit is my Soul.

I intuitively connect with my Soul through my sense of seeing, feeling & knowing.

Spititual logic dictates that intelligence is both rational & emotional.

Spirtual Intelligence is rational logic combined with emotional logic.

I realise my spiritual ability through my mental authority & my emotional power, when I am being intelligent.

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