What Spiritual Growth Is!

Spiritual Growth is the growth of my Spiritual Entity.

I call my spiritual entity, my Soul.

It is my Soul that seeks spiritual growth through the development of its Self.

The development of the physical Self allows the spiritual growth of the Soul.

My Soul has chosen to explore & discover expansive experiences for its Self.

My Soul is my energetic essence & the entity at the core of my Beingness.

Thought allows the Consciousness of my Mind to expand.

Emotion allows the awareness of my feelings to grow.

Expanding my conscious-awareness is spiritual growth.

Spiritual growth is attaining quality attributes.

Attributes are states of being that I attribute to my Self.

When I can attribute a state of being to my Self through choice, I have attained that state of being.

What I attribute to my Self becomes an attainment of my Soul.

I grow spiritually through each & every life-time.

I choose my proposed spiritual path of growth in advance of each life journey.

I review my own spiritual growth at the end of each life-time.

Sometimes I attain spiritual growth with conscious-awareness.

Other life-times, I die in ignorance of what I have or have not attained.

Spiritual Growth ensures an expansive Universe.

The One Version of All That Is grows spiritually as an Expansive Universe in an expansive universe.


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