What Spirit Is!

Spirit is Energy.

In this relative dual reality world, spirit manifests in three ways.

It manifests as the energy of mental thought, the energy of emotional feeling and the energy of physical experience.

Emotional feeling is the motion of energy in matter.

Mental thought is a matter of energy in motion.

Physical experience is the energy of matter in motion.

Spirit is energy in motion manifesting as physical matter or my Soul realising its Self.

Physical, mental & emotional or body, mind & emotion are the three forms of spiritual energy in an incarnate Being.

When lost in a relative dual reality existence, I see my Self as a physical being and energy & matter as a duality.

My energy of mental consciousness sees only my matter of physical reality.

Without emotional feeling, life is just a physical experience from the perspective of an unawakened mind.

Awakened to the awareness of my spiritual origins, I am able to see that my emotional power is key to my spiritual Beingness.

Life is not just a matter of mental perspective but also an experience of emotional perception.

Spirit is the energy of Life.

The energy of Life is Love & Light.

Love is the emotional feeling of spiritual power.

Light is a mental thought with spiritual authority.

Life is the physical experience of spiritual ability.

Spirit is the matter of my non-physical Beingness that enables me to experience physical life.

Spirit is the energy of my Soul in co-operation with my Self.

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