What Serendipity Is!

Serendipity is good fortune!

When I believe in luck, good fortune is accompanied by bad luck in a dual reality world.

Serendipity has no polarity.

My fortune is always good, as serendipity only ever flows in a beneficial direction.

When serendipity is associated with luck, it becomes a happy accident.

When I know that happiness is never an accident, I allow serendipity to flow into my life.

I am never a victim of serendipity.

I am only ever a victim of my own misfortune.

When I disallow my provision, I miss my fortune.

My fortune is provided on my path, once I realise that my spiritual vision reveals the physical path of my provision.

Serendipity is the provision of my fortune through the vision of my life.

No-one ever chooses an unfortunate vision for their life.

When fulfilling my vision, I realise my fortune in life, which is good.

Serendipity is the effortless flow of events on the path of my destiny.

Serendipity is the evidence of my destiny being delivered.

Life is a treasure trove waiting to be explored, discovered & experienced.

It is the emotional power of my wealth that approves the flow of serendipitous riches into my life.

Serendipity is the beneficial flow of abundant opportunity that my Soul has destined for its Self to experience in life.

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