What Perspective Is!

Perspective is an individual view of life and an Individual’s view of reality.

Perspective is the angle through which I see life, which determines my inclination.

I am inclined to act & to react in life relative to the inclination of my perspective.

The inclination of my perspective is determined by my opinions, my beliefs & my convictions.

An opinion is a flexible angle of inclination that I am inclined to adopt.

A belief is a programmed view of life.

A conviction is a fixed inclination of perspective.

When I challenge & change a belief, I alter the angle of my perspective and I am able to see life from a different point of view.

My perspective is my point of view.

The reality of my perspective is individual & unique to my Self as only I occupy this point in space at this moment in time.

Reality is relative to the time & space of an individual perspective.

This means that we each have a unique perspective of our individual reality.

My present perspective is that perspective is relative to each Individual’s individual point of view.

This may or may not be your present perspective as you have a different point of view that may or may not be similar to mine.

Reality is a personal perspective because personal perspective is causing my individual reality in the same way that a common perspective is creating a communal reality.

The reality of an Individual & the reality of a Community of Individuals is just a matter of personal perspective.

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