What Personality Is!

Personality is the Reality of a Person.

Each Individual Person has a unique reality & an exclusive personality.

My personality is exclusively mine as it defines who I am being.

I may have similar personality traits to another but like my reality, my personality is my own.

Personality is relative to emotional needs, not the other way around.

What I need emotionally determines my personality.

I have a unique set of emotional needs caused by what I believe that I need emotionally.

I developed my emotional needs when I was emotionally dependent on my parents as a baby & an infant.

All children depend on their parents for the emotional energy that they need until they become independent.

My sub-conscious strategy for getting my emotional needs met was learned at a very early age.

As I learned to get my needs met, I very quickly developed my own personality.

When I needed other people to meet my emotional needs, I developed an outgoing or extrovert personality.

When I learned to meet my emotional needs myself, my personality developed inwardly or introvertly.

Introverts learn to meet their own emotional needs when relating to other people is either embarrassing or humiliating.

Our personal needs & fears shape our personality as we grow & go through life because personality is the personal reality that is caused by our individual needs, wants, desires, passions, expectations, worries & fears.

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