What Paradise Is!

Paradise is an experience of Heaven on Earth.

When I experience heaven on earth, I am in Paradise.

Paradise is being in a divine state of Being.

When I believe that heaven is a place in the sky and paradise is a place on the ground, I am lost in a duality of my own making.

Paradise is called by many names by many religions & cultures of the world.

Zanadu, El Dorado, Shamballa, Shangri La, Nirvana, the Garden of Eden, the Elysian Fields, the Promised Land, Happy Valley & Cloud Nine are just a few pseudonyms for paradise.

None of these places exist on the map of the physical world because Paradise is not a place on Earth.

I can have the feeling of being in heaven or being in paradise anywhere on the planet.

Paradise is a perspective of the mind that allows a heavenly emotional experience here on Earth.

A paradise island in the Pacific Ocean can be a heavenly experience to enjoy or one hell of an experience to endure & survive.

Hell on Earth is caused by the double duality of heaven & earth and heaven & hell, when I believe that Paradise is Lost.

Looking for paradise ensures that it remains lost to my experience.

Whatever I am seeking, I am focusing on its absence and its absence will remain as long as I am seeking it.

Knowing that paradise exists within the heart of my Beingness allows my Self to express that state of being in a grounded earthly Paradise, as my choice.

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