What Omnipresent Means!

Omnipresent means All Present!

When all aspects of my Self are present, I am omnipresent.

Being all present allows life to be fully presented and it allows life to be full of presents.

Omnipresent means life is full of opportunities and it means that I am fully present to receive every opportunity that life has to offer my Self.

With omnipresence, my presence is total and I am fully present in each & every moment of time and I am fully present in my present reality.

Omnipresent means that my reality is pre-sent and I just have to allow it to manifest in a beneficial way.

With omnipresence, I am presenting my Self as a true representation of my Soul.

The Soul exists beyond the reality of space & time.

It exists in a continuous reality of infinite space & eternal time.

In infinite space there is no here or there, just presence.

In eternal time there is no now or then, just the present moment.

In continuous reality there is no duality of past & future, just the absolute singularity of Oneness.

There are no ifs or buts in the present moment, just the certainty of what is here right now.

Omnipresence is my connection to the power of my omnipotence & the authority of my omniscience.

It is my presence of mind being fully present in my heart with total conscious-awareness.

It is the presence of my Soul in Heart & Mind that is my Strength and the physical ability of my emotional power & my mental authority.

Omnipresent means that my Self is fully connected with my Soul.

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