What My Reality Is!

My Reality is an experience of what I experience to be real.

What I experience to be real is what I cause to be real in conjunction with the world in which I co-exist.

The world is real whenever I interact with it in a physical, mental or emotional way.

When I consciously interact with the world, I cause an effect that determines my physical reality.

A real effect has a real cause.

I am the real cause of my own experience of reality.

Without physical experience, there is no physical reality.

The contextual field is there, awaiting my conscious interaction with it.

When my conscious mind constructs a physical reality, I am able to experience that emotionally.

The reality is that I can choose who I choose to be in relationship to whatever reality I am creating and experiencing.

My choice of reality allows my choice of how I experience that reality

My reality is an emotional experience of a mental construct within a physical context.

Constructing a physical reality allows my mental creativity to have an emotional experience.

My reality is that my thought attracts like vibrations of energy in mental, emotional & physical form.

How I experience a particular form of energy makes it real.

I really am having a physical, mental & emotional experience that is the creation of my own spiritual imagination, as is everyone else.

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