What My Imagination Is!

My Imagination is the perspective of my Soul.

Whatever my Soul & my Self can imagine, I bring into my reality.

Whatever my Soul imagines remains in my imagination until realised by my Self.

When my Self imagines what is in my Soul’s imagination, the universe has orders to deliver it.

When the imagination of my Soul aligns with the imagination of my Self, it is in divine order.

Divine orders are always delivered in divine time.

Divine time is when my Soul & my Self are aligned.

My imagination is how my Soul imagines my vision will manifest in real life.

When my Self has no imagination, whatever is in the imagination of my Soul remains unrealised.

The ability of my imagination to manifest in reality is in alignment with my vision.

It is in alignment with my vision to enable my authorised power to manifest first in my imagination & then in my reality.

The ability to be a powerful creator is limited only by the limits of my own imagination.

When I disconnect from my imagination, I disallow my conscious creative ability.

My Soul is an imaginative Being and my Self comes into alignment by being imaginative.

Imagination is my creative potential that is empowered by the magnitude of my Inspiration.

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