What My Faith Is!

My Faith is spiritual, but it is not religious.

My spiritual faith is the calling that I follow.

I am called by my Soul to follow an exclusive path that is individual & unique to my Self.

My exclusive path is illuminated by my unique vision and is my individual purpose for my life.

My faith is the path that I faithfully follow.

I am full of faith that whatever turns up in my life is my path for my Self to experience.

My faith is an intuitive knowing that is beyond belief or trust.

I do not trust it as a belief but know it in the depth of my being.

My faith is an intuitive feeling that is beyond emotion.

Beyond emotion is the pure feeling of Love that my Soul has for its Self and my Self has for my Soul.

My faith is an intuitive seeing that my life is totally guided & wholly supported on a beneficial path.

I get that divine providence is providing a divine experience for my Self in physical reality.

I get that I just have to allow, approve & accept that whatever occurs is meant to be because it is always in alignment with my purpose for life.

When I have faith and I am following my path, my path leads me on a beneficial journey of life.

My faith is my Book of Life, it is my Gospel of Keith.

It is the good news of how my Soul is expansively developing through the experience of my Self in physical life.

Many are chosen, as yet few choose to follow their own path with Faith.

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