What My Destiny Is!

It is My Destiny to fulfil my vision for my life, in every life-time.

I am a Spiritual Being on a spiritual journey through many physical life-times.

Each life-time is lived in both the physical & the spiritual realms.

The purpose of each life-time is the expansive growth of the Soul in different ways.

The way my Soul has chosen to expansively grow through experience is the purpose of that life-time.

My Self is destined to fulfil my vision for each-lifetime, either consciously or unconsciously and either with or without awareness.

Each life-time and every life-time is faithfully recorded in the annals of time for eternity.

All possibilities exist on a journey through infinite space over continuous life-times of personal reality.

My destiny is to explore, discover & experience every aspect of my Divinity through the medium of space-time-reality.

It is my destiny to realise & experience the omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent nature of my Essence.

It is my destiny to publish my Book of Life as a living testament of my Divinely Creative Ability.

It is my destiny to fully explore the depths of my emotional power & the height of my  mental authority by fully grounding the physical ability of my creative imagination as my experiential reality.

It is my destiny to know my Self as my Soul.

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