What My Core Beliefs Are!

My Core Beliefs are the foundation of my sub-conscious operating system.

They are the programmes that allow my sub-conscious decision making.

The clearer my core beliefs, the more physically efficiently I operate mentally & emotionally.

My core beliefs are mental principles that underline standards of performance that are emotionally empowered.

I am empowered to physically operate in alignment with my core beliefs.

All of my core beliefs are in alignment with the Golden Rule: To be unto others as I consciously choose others to be unto me.

I believe at the core of my being that what is the highest standard for my Self is the most beneficial for all other people, should they so choose it.

My core beliefs are extensive, expansive and require no boundaries.

By re-programming my sub-conscious mind with my core beliefs, I allow the unconscious competence of my mental capacity to develop & grow.

By The Law of Attraction, my divinely guided belief system allows my divinely guided life path to emerge.

My core beliefs cause no inner conflict, no entropy, no chaos, no paradox, no drama, no inertia and no confusion in my life.

They are clearly stated beliefs in which I have total faith that life just is, we all have choice, there is enough, love is the way, we are all equal and by allowing all others to follow their individual path, I am enabled to effortlessly follow mine.

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