What Money Is!

Money is a currency of exchange.

It is a current of energy that is exchanged, or a transaction, that has no inherent power or authority of its own.

The only power that money has is the authority that I believe it gives to me.

Money does not empower choice.

It is the authority of my choice that either empowers or disempowers my ability.

Money is the ability to obtain what I need from other people.

It is my dependency on what I need emotionally that feeds my apparent dependency on money.

Money is not an emotional need but a substitute that I use to meet my emotional needs.

Whatever I need emotionally can become an addiction.

The pursuit of money causes many different addictions to many different things.

I pursue money in the false belief that I do not & I will not have enough.

In an ideal world, where I meet all my physical & emotional needs myself, money is no longer required.

Money is inert, being neither good nor evil.

It is my beliefs about money that either serve me well or serve me badly.

Money provides a false sense of power when I use it to meet my needs emotionally.

Like all addictions & dependencies, there is never enough money and there never will be enough money to satisfy the needs of a scarcity mentality.

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