What Memory Is!

Memory is my ability to connect to the Book of my Life that is already written by me.

I can only remember the chapters of my Book of Life that I have already written.

Remembering is mentally re-connecting to past experiences in my life.

All past experiences of my life are stored in my mind, not my brain.

My brain is analagous to my computer or the thought processor of my mental programming.

My super-conscious Mind  holds my ‘cloud storage’ as well as my universal operating system.

My brain is capable of receiving & processing both long & short term memory

Long term memory is stored in the Mind and is like a computer’s ROM (Read Only Memory), whereas short term memory is part of the brains processing RAM (Random Access Memory).

My short term random access memory allows my physical reality to appear to be continuous.

It allows a perception of the future based on the memories of the past.

What is there just now, I remember as being there just then; so what is here right now, will be there in the future moment of time until my reality changes.

Without random access memory of what was present in the past, I would have no experience of change in the future.

Read Only Memory allows my brain to put a past experience into my present conscious moment.

It allows every individual present moment that has past to be put into a motion picture of my Life’s Story so far.

Memory enables my ability to reminisce about the past and to dream about my future when I am disconnected from the ever present creative imagination of my Super-conscious Mind.

Memory is the imagination of my Soul experienced by my Self stored as a space-time-reality for eternity in the infinite archives of the universal cosmic Mind.

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